Calling all recrutes it’s lyliana I love to learn about anything. I adore stuffed animals, vehicles, animals, robots, and aliens. even Tony’s art style. Join team EWP for more art ‘n’ stories!

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HTF gave me an idea for a horror fanfic story

Posted by LylianaDog - February 9th, 2023

So. I watched happy tree friends sence I was 11 years of age, I had a crush on the mole, because of the ka-pow series mole in the city. His shades looked hot and I liked his purple turtle neck, He reminded me of Jerry’s cousin from Tom and Jerry.

I loved all of the charectors when I was an animal lover, I used to be obsessed with the characters that I’ve always made family friendly stories out of them. (Yes I am still an animal lover.)

but all of this changed when I was 16 now. To me right now, they look more like.. drug dealers in poverty, or old criminals inside of the young animals’ bodies. More thene, cute animals, that look exactly like a kids show.

And to my own eyes the cursed idol, looked like a little girl, who got kidnapped, crying for her mama.

I’ll get to the other charectors in a second.

here is the story. It’s called beyond fake friends.

I was playing chess with talia while sitting on weary’s lap, he was sleeping.

gecko, and tony. We’re reading comic books. I asked all three of my step siblings.“ hey guys, I’m really bored. Mind if we, create a portal to another dimension?”

YES SISTAH! cheared tony, waking weary up from his nap. “Children try not to wake me and my ghost friends while we’re sleeping.” Weary went back to sleep while all of us went to the lab for some ideas. Maybe. I thought he could read me a book about math, or science. I’d love to hear that.

”any ideas?” Said gecko looking confused. “Nature?” Said talia confused, “playing with kids from cartoons?” Said tony.

shure! I cried. Get me some leaves, make some stuffed animals, and get some games and a picnic blanket!

I would say that the project would be awesome! I said to myself. 2 minutes passed.

and I saw my sibling again with the ingredients ready for the portal.

“ahh should be ready in a minute.” Sighed gecko. At that moment, Tony had a paper cut, and a bitty drop of his blood, came dripping from his finger. And right into the portal potion. I had a paper cut once and it hurt like crazy.

when the blood went into the bowl the potion wasn’t a rainbow color anymore. It turned into a phantom rainbow like color with a bloody texture for the red color.

as we were about to go into the portal, I put a note on the floor, and locked the door so nobody would notice us going to another strange world. As we went into the portal, everything still looked normal. Exept for one thing, as we met another charector. They always spoke jibberish like they had no brains or hearts for knowledge and compassion.

so we went to the library, I read a few books, and every word in the book was jibberish. I didn’t understand.

Tony wanted to get hired for animating a movie, but the directors spoke jibberish. Gecko tried to communicate with the vehicles, but they didn’t have faces. Talia tried to Make friends with a pink chipmunk who looked like a stripe. when talgal hugged her, the stripe nut screamed. the way she jumped, made me cringe. As she jumped, her plums bounced, she dropped her smoker, and ran for her boy friend. I noticed she had a lot of boyfriends, how could she date many people who were not her husband? I didn’t know what was going on here. Nether did my step siblings. We were questioning each one another.

none of us had a choice. but to do our own thing, and head somewhere else.

so. We snuck in a boat and made a trip to a temple. Of. The cursed idol? Weird.

as we were on the boat, I saw the sailer. He was hot, sexy, cool. I.. wanted to give him a hug.

when I asked him can I marrie you cotton sweets? I asked. He showed me I picture of his girlfriend, and she looked exactly like the pink chipmunk talia hugged. Wait a min-Oh no. I was shaking did she take all of the boys in this world?

I was ready to leave, (that’s when he shows his true colors. Just like dawn bellwether in zootopia.) he forced my arms on the wall to kiss me. “You think I’m blind? I am the mole.” He showed me his blue eyes, they looked beautiful. But his actions were beyond me and my family. He almost shot me with a gun.

but. Gecko knocked him with a police bat.“He’s down! Fawn? Are you okay?” I was speechless. I learned a lesson to not trust strangers. gecko showed me the front of the ship, to make me feel better. “Listen to my heart beat sister. all better dear?”

I was still shaking after what happend. “Yeah. Can you give me two minutes to get my cool back?” Alright sister we still got you a picnic if you would like to hang out with us. I was still speechless at the moment. So I took a nap hoping to solve the problem. 4 minutes passed, and we were here. I woke up from my nap. And saw the island We were looking for.

we went inside the temple. And saw the gold cult image sitting on it’s thrown. As tony picked the poor IT up, some monkeys rained from the sky. I swiped it from his hand and put it back on it’s thrown.

“don’t you even think about stealing this cult tony!” I mumbled. Tony looked embarrassed as if he got slapped or something.

we were getting ready to leave when the idol said.“Kill them all! They are the ones who make me angry!”

I turned around fast and told my siblings to come back. The idol moved her jaw! It’s a girl!

the idol mermerd again. “They are the true demons who want to hurt me! And I’m telling you to get revenge on all of them! They shoved my skull into a gold shell. And now. They call me curse. Save me now! And help me!”

she gave me and my siblings a paper with the charectors in this world we need to kill. Turns out this world wasn’t that popular. It had only 4 girls and 13 boys. But we were on a mission to set the poor kid free.

The idol had weapons in her closet for us to use, to kill the cute beasts. I only had blazing horns, sharp teath, and bright purple Lazer eyes. I could frame the demons by playing the victim and killing them. We were on with the mission.

tony took the idol with him. Gecko wore the mole’s shades and turtle neck to look cool. Talia had her chainsaw ready for war. All the characters saw the idol in Tony’s arms. There pupils shrunk, there pupils turned bright red, began to scream bloody murder, and made babies with their mates for fighting. (Talk about helicopter parents raising kids for their own wishes.) talia raised her chainsaw as high as she could to kill the mate minieons, tony swiped his sword out to slay, gecko performed the same shooting movements the mole does, and the idol sent terror to her enimies. hoping they’ll get what they deserve. (Evil laugh) The Boss was nearby. he came out with Really sharp teeth, large claws, and the same eyes his minions had.

”hey punks!” Yelled the giant lime bear. Did you know it’s against my rules to kill my happy little friends?

Im flipqy! And I’m the only one who can kill my friends! Not you stupid kids! All the remains around us laughed at us. “So.. not that you four killed all of my jibber loving friends, it’s your turn to die! Salong big babies! My siblings panicked they were afraid that the bear would steal their weapons and use them for himself. The only way to stop him is to make a loud sound, throw water on him, or kill him. Bang Bang Bang! A miracle! Talia cried it was a female deer, another mole, female bunny, female fox, another lamb, another sugar glider and another skunk. What a surprise cried tony. Flipqy got his knife ready for attacking his enimies. The flying sugar glider threw water on Flipqy making him turn normal noticing his friends were dead on the ground. Suddenly he saw me sitting down in a cute way like a homeless puppy crying for help.

flipqy came closs to me petted me and said did you do this? N-no I survived I just want shelter. I promise Flippy.

that’s me! Cried Flippy “I’ll help you in the military some day!” “Oh thank you so much!” Then. I was ready for my last defeat SIKE! I screamed. Flippy was terrified. I reminded him of the tiger general because of my evil scream. My sibling didn’t expect that. “everybody to the cave! Hurry!” Cried the skunk.

wile Flipqy and I were still fighting eachother I bit him, hit him, threw him, I did everything to protect my siblings and the other survivors.

they were chatting in the cave.

gecko: well. He there uhh gals. What are your names?

Monika the skunk: my name is monika. I’m the leader of my group.

snuggles the bunny: I’m snuggles

Manisha the mole: I’m manisha

Cassidy the fox: I’m cassidy

Deerie the deer: I’m deerie

Sage the sugar glider: I’m sage, My teammates call me sofia.

Vanilla the lamb: my name is vanilla, my teammates call me Vanessa, because it rimes.

tony: ooh that’s good news!

talia: we got new helpers!

gecko: so what do we say we all help fawn defeat our enimie mr Flipqy?

the new helpers said positive things, they all spoke a language, knew how to love one another, and solve problems.

finally time for one last battle I was still angry, trying my best to defeat Flipqy he was so strong, that the creators loved him so much. Cassidy threw me a sheild, to protect myself flipqy’s powerful knifes, deerie distracted Flipqy and set down bear traps, snuggles framed Flipqy by acting like a homeless dog on the streets and threw ninja stars at him, monika was a professional fighter. She threw knifes and ninja stars at Flipqy, Manisha dug a tunnel under the ground, and put a bomb on the place were Flippy was landing. And finally after flipqy,s death, to finish him off sage put water all over the evil green bear’s body, vanilla put one of her feet on flipqy’s remains for the true happy friends victory. “Now this is happy true friends” I gasped out laughing. “Turned out this was the best battle of my life.”

“enyways that was funny because, thouse jibberish critters, we’re very evil demons inside sheeps clothing!” Said monika.

“one thing for you fawn, don’t waste your time, and don’t trust strangers” said gecko

what about me? Cried the idol.

me: O-oh dear! I forget! your turn tal!

talia: well-well-well TIME TO GO! Old Golden Throne of Evil!

when the idol was cut in half, a spirit resembling a little girl came out of the statue. Crying tears of joy.

imelia: you guys! You did it! (Hugs fawn) Thank you.

Fawn: no problem. When a stranger come up to you, tell you mother. And Remember, always stay safe

imelia: this is great, I’m flying to heaven! I’m Going HOME!

“well! What do say all seven of y’all can join our team, you can be our new helpers!” I screamed out loud

”ahh finally I can go to a safer place and leave this nightmare all behind!” Cried sage

“brilliant!” Cheared monika

when everybody returned home, to stampy’s lovely world, the new mane seven felt pleased of their new place,

“wait a minute?” I was very confused about some red in the bowl. “Alright yall I’m sorry to break this with y’all, but why is the bowl red?” Tony was embarrassed “oh no. That red stuff cam from my paper cut by accident”

”Let’s try using gloves next time, we go to another dimension okay tony, now we half to start the trip all over again.” “you don’t half to start over fawn. You saved us from thouse evil demons” said snuggles “oh right.”

everybody laughed as they got out of the room, put the bad potion in the lava room, and went back to the living room.

Mr weary! I cried. “I missed you! Me and my siblings, got new friends!”

“oh dear how am I gonna read to you with all the noise, fawn?” Said weary confused. “Don’t worry mr warden we will keep are silence wile you read to your best friend!” Said monika

so I sat back into weary’s lap tired from all the fighting, and went fast to sleep in his arms, wile he was reading to me.

weary: sweet dreams my little one.

htf is owned my mondomedia



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